Which Language Should I choose?

Which Language Should I choose?

Well if I am not mistaken this is the most asked question by every starter in the tech industry. I am not personally too good, but since learning is a progressive thing we are getting there. This obvious question saw me waste two years going in circles with no apparent direction. Such amount of time would have seen me master more advanced technologies by now. But I just kept going in circles.

Well I want to debunk some things to let us understand what coding really is. The worst thing you can do is get fascinated by hollywood's description of coding and hacking and just immediately wish that you are doing same, it's a hype if I must say. No organisation hires coders for the fun of it. Coders are hired for the business of it. In essence coding is not an end but only a means to an end.

And everytime that end is always to solve problems. Frameworks are celebrated not because of the awesomeness of it, infact no one ever celebrates a complex algorithm that solves no problem. In fact the definition of the word 'Algorithm' is about solving problems at the end, if not it has no premise and thus cannot get a conclusion .

Do not get stressed over the language or framework to pick. Your question should rally around the kind of problems you wish to solve and the language best suited for solving the problem. Start from the solution and arrive at the language in reverse, I think that is the best approach.

Just start grinding on solutions, solve problems. Meanwhile be realistic. By realistic pick languages that you know can help you build what you want and also languages in use. I don't expect you to go try pick up fotran or basic... No choose your first language based on the kind of problems you'll love work on and be realistic about such goals.

With these you're good to go, lemme know how your journey unfolds.

Drop your comment or message me on twitter lets keep growing.